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At What Age Can You Get Laser Eye Surgery?

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Laser eye surgery is a popular and effective way to correct vision problems, offering freedom from glasses and contact lenses. But at what age can someone consider this procedure? 

The ideal age range for laser eye surgery is typically between 18 and 40 years old, with some exceptions depending on individual eye health. At River City Vision Center, we offer consultations to assess your eyes and determine if you’re a candidate for laser eye surgery.

Why Age Matters in Laser Eye Surgery

Age plays a crucial role in determining whether someone is a good candidate for laser eye surgery. This is because vision changes as we grow older. In order to be a good candidate for the procedure, a person’s vision should be stable, they shouldn’t be experiencing changes in their eye health, and they shouldn’t have age-related eye conditions.

Laser Eye Surgery for Young Adults

For most people, laser eye surgery becomes a viable option after the age of 18. By this time, your eyes have typically stopped growing, and your prescription should be relatively stable. 

Eye doctors generally recommend waiting until your prescription has been stable for at least one to two years before undergoing laser eye surgery. This is because continuing changes in your prescription can reduce the long-term effectiveness of the procedure.

Reasons to Wait Until 18 or Older

  • Stable Prescription: The most important factor for laser eye surgery is having a stable prescription. Vision changes are common during childhood and adolescence, and undergoing surgery while your eyes are still changing could mean that you’ll need additional correction later in life.
  • Physical Maturity: The eyes continue to grow and change during adolescence. By age 18, most people’s eyes have reached full development, making it a safer time to consider surgery.

However, it’s important to note that some people may need to wait longer if their vision continues to change after 18. Your eye doctor will evaluate the stability of your prescription to determine the best timing for the procedure.

A woman putting on a new pair of glasses. A sticker showing an eye chart partially covers each of the lenses.

Laser Eye Surgery in Your 20s & 30s

The ideal time for laser eye surgery is typically in your 20s and 30s. During this period, most people have stable vision, and their eyes are healthy enough for surgery. People in this age group often seek laser eye surgery for the freedom it provides from glasses and contacts.

Reasons to Get Surgery in Your 20s and 30s

  • Stable Vision: Most people in this age group have had stable vision for a few years, making them good candidates for laser eye surgery.
  • Fewer Eye Conditions: The likelihood of developing age-related eye conditions like cataracts or presbyopia is low in your 20s and 30s, which means that the results of the surgery are likely to be long-lasting.
  • Faster Recovery: Younger individuals tend to heal more quickly, which can lead to faster recovery times after surgery.

Laser Eye Surgery After 40

While the ideal age for laser eye surgery is usually under 40, many people in their 40s and beyond still consider the procedure. However, after age 40, certain age-related eye conditions can impact your candidacy for laser eye surgery.

Presbyopia & Laser Eye Surgery

One of the most common age-related changes is presbyopia, a condition where the lens of your eye becomes less flexible, making it difficult to focus on close objects. This typically begins in your early to mid-40s, and ultimately affects most people. Unfortunately, laser eye surgeries like LASIK or PRK don’t correct presbyopia.

 However, there are other surgical options, such as monovision LASIK, which can help address both distance and near vision issues.

Other Considerations After 40

  • Cataracts: People over 40 are also at higher risk of developing cataracts, a condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and affects vision. Cataracts can eventually require surgery to replace the lens, which can impact the decision to undergo laser eye surgery.
  • Thinning Corneas: As you age, the cornea may naturally thin, which could make laser eye surgery less effective or increase the risk of complications. Your eye doctor will perform thorough tests to confirm that your corneas are healthy enough for the procedure.

While laser eye surgery is still an option for people in their 40s and 50s, it’s important to have a detailed consultation with your eye doctor to discuss your eye health and the potential benefits and risks of the procedure.

Laser Eye Surgery for Seniors

For those over 60, laser eye surgery may not always be the best option due to the higher likelihood of developing conditions like cataracts or macular degeneration. Additionally, the prevalence of presbyopia in seniors means that most candidates would still need corrective lenses even after surgery. 

However, some seniors may still be candidates for laser eye surgery if they have healthy eyes and have not yet developed age-related conditions.

It’s essential for seniors to have a thorough eye exam to determine whether laser eye surgery is a safe and effective option for their vision needs.

Finding the Right Time for Laser Eye Surgery

The best age for laser eye surgery is typically between 18 and 40 years old, with some exceptions based on individual eye health and prescription stability. While younger patients are often the ideal candidates due to stable vision and faster recovery, people over 40 can still benefit from the procedure, especially if they don’t yet have age-related eye conditions. 

If you’re interested in or considering laser eye surgery, contact us at River City Vision Center. We offer personalized consultations to determine if this procedure is right for you.

Written by Dr. Chandra M. Williams

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