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Why Are My Contacts Drying Out So Fast?

An adult places eyedrops in their eyes to prevent discomfort from dry eyes when wearing contact lenses.

Many contact lens wearers experience dryness, irritation, or even blurry vision due to insufficient moisture in their lenses throughout the day. Your contacts may be drying out so fast for several reasons, including: Unfortunately, there is rarely a one-size-fits-all answer to why you’re experiencing dryness. So, if you can’t get relief from an over-the-counter (OTC) […]

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Are Blue Eyes More Sensitive To Light?

Close up of a beautiful red-headed woman's blue eyes.

If you’ve ever wondered whether your blue eyes are more sensitive to light, you’re not the only one. Light sensitivity is a common concern, particularly for those with lighter-colored irises. The short answer is yes—people with blue eyes tend to be more sensitive to light.  This heightened sensitivity occurs because blue eyes have less melanin, […]

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