Children's Eye Exams in Jacksonville & Orange Park

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Supporting Your Child’s Sight as They Grow

Whether your child is playing with friends or learning in the classroom, they depend on their vision to experience the world around them.

In the US, 1 in every 4 children has a vision disorder that requires diagnosis and treatment by an optometrist. A comprehensive pediatric eye exam allows us to detect and treat vision problems that can develop early in a child’s life, such as strabismus, amblyopia, or refractive errors such as myopia or astigmatism.

River City Vision Center understands how important your child’s vision is, and we’re ready to support them with understanding, compassion, and unique strategies. Book your child’s next pediatric eye exam today and see how we’re ready to help them see and experience more!

When to Have an Eye Exam

At River City Vision Center, we start seeing our littlest patients at 7 years old. By this time, your child is using their vision for numerous activities, like reading, playing, solving problems, and more.

School is such an important time in your child’s life, and detecting potential problems as early as possible can help preserve their vision quality and enjoy their lifestyle. Please bring your child in for an eye exam at least every year so we can support their sight throughout their life and as their needs change.

How We Can Help

We approach every patient, even our smallest ones, with a unique sense of compassion and understanding. We know that a doctor’s appointment can make any child a little nervous, but you can always count on our team to ensure your child’s experience is as comfortable as it is comprehensive.

Even if you are unsure your child has an eye or vision problem, you may be able to notice some signs just by looking at their behavior, like:

  • Struggling with school assignments
  • Squinting
  • Regular headaches
  • Short attention spans
  • Trouble playing sports
  • Head tilting
  • Double vision

These can signify a number of issues, but we can help determine what is causing them during an eye exam.

Eye Health Assessments

Eye health assessments give us a clear view of your child’s eye health. We will also consider their family health history to determine if they have a higher risk of certain eye and vision problems.

Seeing clearly is an essential part of your child’s quality of life, so we take great care in checking your child’s visual quality during an eye exam.

One of the most common issues children can develop is myopia, also known as nearsightedness. Myopia affects the quality of your child’s distance vision and can progress as they grow. In some cases, myopia may make it difficult for your child to see class boards, play sports, or even watch television at home.

Please visit our Myopia Control page for more information about how we can help manage this issue.

Every child is different, so we are prepared to develop unique strategies to help preserve your child’s eye health and vision.

In some cases, though, a fun pair of eyeglasses or comfortable contact lenses are all your child may need to enjoy their vision! We carry a beautiful line of frames suitable for all ages and lifestyles, and certain contact lenses we offer could help address specific vision problems.

Comprehensive Care Throughout Your Child’s Life

Children grow up in a blink of an eye, so get help supporting their vision by booking their next eye exam appointment at River City Vision Center today!

Our Locations


Our Address

  • 13453 N. Main St. Suite #203
  • Jacksonville, FL 32218

Contact Information

Orange Park

Our Address

  • 1075 Oakleaf Plantation Pkwy, #300
  • Orange Park, FL 32065

Contact Information

Our Blog

Why Are My Contacts Drying Out So Fast?

Contact Lenses, Eye Health

Many contact lens wearers experience dryness, irritation, or even blurry vision due to insufficient moisture in their lenses throughout the day. Your contacts may be drying out so fast for several reasons, including: Unfortunately, there is rarely a one-size-fits-all answer to why you’re experiencing dryness. So, if you can’t get relief from an over-the-counter (OTC) […]

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December 24, 2024
Dr. Chandra M. Williams

How Long Can Eye Strain Last?

Eye Conditions, Eye Health

Eye strain is a common issue in today’s digital world, leaving many wondering about its duration. Eye strain typically lasts a few hours to a couple of days, depending on the severity and the steps taken to relieve it. If you’re experiencing discomfort or need advice on managing eye strain, explore our resources on digital […]

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December 2, 2024
Dr. Chandra M. Williams

At What Age Can You Get Laser Eye Surgery?

Vision Correction

Laser eye surgery is a popular and effective way to correct vision problems, offering freedom from glasses and contact lenses. But at what age can someone consider this procedure?  The ideal age range for laser eye surgery is typically between 18 and 40 years old, with some exceptions depending on individual eye health. At River […]

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October 16, 2024
Dr. Chandra M. Williams
An adult places eyedrops in their eyes to prevent discomfort from dry eyes when wearing contact lenses.

Many contact lens wearers experience dryness, irritation, or even blurry vision due to insufficient moisture in their lenses throughout the day. Your contacts may be drying out so fast for several reasons, including: Unfortunately, there is rarely a one-size-fits-all answer to why you’re experiencing dryness. So, if you can’t get relief from an over-the-counter (OTC) […]

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Person rubbing their eyes from eye strain, with their glasses pushed up to their forehead.

Eye strain is a common issue in today’s digital world, leaving many wondering about its duration. Eye strain typically lasts a few hours to a couple of days, depending on the severity and the steps taken to relieve it. If you’re experiencing discomfort or need advice on managing eye strain, explore our resources on digital […]

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Close-up of a microscope, with a doctor performing eye surgery on patient in the partially blurred background.

Laser eye surgery is a popular and effective way to correct vision problems, offering freedom from glasses and contact lenses. But at what age can someone consider this procedure?  The ideal age range for laser eye surgery is typically between 18 and 40 years old, with some exceptions depending on individual eye health. At River […]

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