Diabetic Eye Exams in Jacksonville & Orange Park

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Eye Exams That See More

With the help of modern eye care technologies, we are ready to take a deeper look into your eye health. 

Many health conditions can affect your eyes and vision, including diabetes, a health concern millions of Americans have. If you have diabetes or any other health concern that could affect your eyes, make sure you have regular eye exams with the River City Vision Center team.

Book your appointment today and see more of your eye health.

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Eyes?

Diabetes is a systemic disease that affects how your body manages and processes glucose, or sugar, in your bloodstream. These sugars can increase the risk of several health problems, including some that affect your eye health.

Diabetes affects the blood vessels in your retina, that back area of your eye that collects light to help you see. The longer you have diabetes, your risk of developing a diabetes-related eye disease can increase over time. Some of the most common include diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, open-angle glaucoma, and cataracts.

Eye exams can reveal these issues early in their development, giving our team the opportunity to address the issue and preserve eyesight.

Looking Deeper Into Your Eye Health

Our entire exam process is designed for you and your needs. If you have diabetes, we will use our diagnostic technologies to examine your eye health and detect potential issues before they cause permanent vision loss.

The technologies we use, which include the Optos optomap and an OCT device, observe your retina and its structures, including the macula, optic nerve, retinal blood vessels, and more.

Learn more about diabetes-related eye problems by visiting our Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management page.

Optos optomap Retinal Imaging

Optos optomap ultra-widefield retinal imaging is a technique we use to take a detailed look at your retina and its various structures without having to dilate your eye.

That’s right! Even without dilation, our optomap device can capture more than 80% of your retina in a single image, giving us an easy, comprehensive way to examine your eye health.

The process is simple, fast, and comprehensive. From here, our optometrists can analyze the images and provide strategies to manage your eye health.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging technique we may also use to examine your eye health. However, instead of a colored image of the back of your eye, the OCT device generates cross-sectional images of your retina’s layers.

We may need to dilate the pupil to use this device, but we can let you know before your appointment if we are performing an OCT exam.

Learn More About Your Eye Health Today

Managing your eye health is an essential part of your health care routine. Learn more about your eyes and how our team can support them by booking an eye exam with us today.

Our Locations


Our Address

  • 13453 N. Main St. Suite #203
  • Jacksonville, FL 32218

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Orange Park

Our Address

  • 1075 Oakleaf Plantation Pkwy, #300
  • Orange Park, FL 32065

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